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The plastic artist


Artística ecuatoriana e internacional, que plantea a través del retrato, diversos discursos para así entablar un nexo con el espectador.


9 - 13 June 2021


09:00 AM - 08:00 PM

Slide 1
Mount Bromo, Indonesia
Unbelievable Purple Sky
Slide 1
Mount Bromo, Indonesia
Unbelievable Purple Sky
Slide 2
Lake District, United Kingdom
Carpet of Bluebells
Slide 2
Lake District, United Kingdom
Carpet of Bluebells
Slide 2
Lake District, United Kingdom
Carpet of Bluebells
Slide 2
Lake District, United Kingdom
Carpet of Bluebells
Slide 2
Lake District, United Kingdom
Carpet of Bluebells
Slide 3
Valgrisenche, Italy
Snow Capped Mountain
Slide 6
Sisters, United States
Evening Stars at Night
Slide 3
Valgrisenche, Italy
Snow Capped Mountain
Slide 4
El Nido, Philippines
A Secluded Beach in the Philippines
Slide 5
Felidhoo, Maldives
Barrier in Felidhoo
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Los esperamos en Calle 5 y Av septima

Introducing part of the Creative Minds

Art on Paper 2023

Born in Ecuador and, is a visual artist who graduated in art, engraver, graphic designer, and teacher with more than 20 years of experience; he has participated in several national painting salons, winning some awards and mentions.

His work has been exhibited individually and collectively in Colombia, Chile, Argentina, Mexico, Miami, Austria, and Ecuador.

”My Work revolves around Micro series that mesh with each other to the needs of metaphorical and vulnerable entities. This leads to the desire to achieve a space in society by creating imaginary places to live.

What's Going On

Upcoming Exhibitions

Jeremy Frank

Arts Of Limits

Fusce vulputate sodales hendrerit porta.

09 - 11 Jun 2021

Lucas Gilberto

Jenny Paint

Fusce vulputate sodales hendrerit porta.

09 - 12 Jun 2021

Emmie Roche


Fusce vulputate sodales hendrerit porta.

09 - 12 Jun 2021

Ezequiel Arguello

Los Muertos

Fusce vulputate sodales hendrerit porta.

09 - 13 Jun 2021

Martín Cano, pintor Ecuatoriano exponiendo en el Consulado de Ecuador en Miami.

Ecuadorian Visual Artist Art teacher and graphic designer Technique: Mixed Painting Sculpture Name: ROT

Omar TV con Martin Cano-Pintor Ecuatoriano.
Omar TV en la Exposición de Martín Cano Miami.
AgustinRangugni dialoga con el #artistaplastico #MartinCano sobre _Retratando Sobrevivir_
Berlin Timelapse
London Timelapse
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Omar TV con Martin Cano-Pintor Ecuatoriano.
Omar TV en la Exposición de Martín Cano Miami.
AgustinRangugni dialoga con el #artistaplastico  #MartinCano sobre _Retratando Sobrevivir_
Berlin Timelapse
London Timelapse
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Gallery Collection

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More Than 52 Exhibits

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Pixart Schedulue

Exhibitions Schedule


Jun 2021

Peasant Scenes & Landscapes

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Jun 2021

Start With Art At The MooM

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Jun 2021

Calvert Richard Jones’s Duomo

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